At 05:51 PM 10/12/2003 +0200, arielabramovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Dear Serge,
>                   Please, read carefully all the posted emails.
>this are MO's ideas about manners:
>Miss Manners is not welcome in these here parts. If you can't stand the=20
>heat of some discussions, the door out is that away>>>>>>>>>

Thank you for reposting this piece of good advice. A discussion group is 
intended to be used for the sharing of ideas, even for the clash of 
opposing ideas. It is not a place for the exchange of genteel pleasantries. 
If you do not like someone's manners, observe that your own may not be to 
the liking of others. No one has appointed you as the arbitrator of good 
manners, and if you do not like anybody's way of speaking, no one is 
forcing you to read it. Use the Delete button or the kill file, whatever 
suits your fancy. Some people would have considered your characterization 
of me as a Republican who is a Clinton Fan as a damn rude insult.

>Now you know a bit more.
>I've asked for some pieces for the lute, then came a conversation after =
>a comment about book's prices.
>It happen that some individuals were speaking not as interested in lute =
>music or the instrument itself, but as editors.

Now that is really bad manners to pretends that editors of lute music are 
not interested in the music or the instrument itself. Saying something like 
that in a group that include some of the most important editors of lute 
music, in both the American and the European sense of the word "Editor", is 
plain stupid. And you have had enough feed back from some other editors 
about this issue by now. How old are you, BTW?

>Let's try to bring peace back.

So you can continue to bury your hand in the sand and pretend that this is 
a Maoist-Buddhist-Vegetarian Nirvana?

Forget it. Those who live in the real world reject this asinine pretension 
and will fight against it. Some with strong words like me, and some with 
gently trying to teach you something, obviously an impossible task.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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