At 06:02 PM 10/11/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I accept this charge with
> > pride and honor. It was through my begging and pleading that I was able to
> > discover the whereabouts of the Koenigsberg manuscript, a place that was
> > kept secret from John Ward and Diana Poulton by the fellow who found it.
>Discover????? Paul O'Dette told you where it was.

Like hell he did. This is one of the big lies spread by you know who. 
Sigitas Silinskas wrote to Diane Poulton, in the mid 70s, telling her that 
the manuscript was in the Academic Library in Vilnius, and sent her a 
photocopy of the first page. It was her student Tim Crawford who identified 
that photocopy as the first page of the Koenigsberg manuscript. She wrote 
to John Ward with these news. I have a copy of her letter. No one knew 
where was the Academic Library in Vilnius, since there is no such listings 
in any directory of libraries. When I told John Ward that Silinskas offered 
me some arrangements of his from that manuscript, he told me that there is 
only one thing he wishes to see before he dies, and that's the Koenigsberg 
manuscript. On my next visit to Esztergom, Silinskas asked me to introduced 
him to Daniel Benko in Budapest. I drove him myself, made the introduction, 
and was present when Silinskas gave to Benko that piece of paper which the 
latter passed on to O'Dette. I have a copy of that too.

I did not discover the manuscript, Silinskas did, but would not say to 
anyone where it was. My contribution was simply to understand that the 
words Academic Library refer to the Biblioteka Akademia Nauk, and to find a 
way to that library, during Soviet times, bypassing Silinskas. Jonas 
Tamulionis who made that bypass possible was at the time the Secretary of 
the Vilnius branch of the Soviet Composers Union and I don't need to tell 
you what a powerful position that was.

If O'Dette truly believes that he is the one who brought the news about the 
location of the manuscript to the world, he is gravely mistaken, and 
holding such a view is a cowardly insult to the memory of Diana Poulton.

>You may do that to your own.
>And with this you go to my kill-file.

Thank God for small favors.

>  Get you quick-thrills on Classical
>Guitar NG or somewhere else.

Which is why you, who doe snot even own a guitar, hangs around there?

>And if you ever insult or use vulgarity against
>any member of Polyhymnion....

You will do what?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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