Here is a little wrench  to throw in to the collective works.  For arguments
sake let us assume that I was to purchase, or otherwise  obtain a copy  of
Mr. Reyerman's publication.  Over time,  if  I    were to hand copy  each
piece in the book,  what would the collective reaction be if I then put the
hand copied collection on the net?  How would this scenario stand in the
ongoing debate?

Vance Wood.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Thames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: Facsimeles etc.

> No it isn't a crime. And legalities have nothing to do with what Albert is
> talking about. Fairness is the issue. He invested a great deal of time and
> money in creating this book, and you publicly declare that you intend to
> rip him off. That was not a crime, but a stupid thing to do. Take example
> from your like-minded perps. There are quite a few of them around. Say
> nothing and do what you have to do. If what you did stinks, you'll have to
> live with it
>      Hey fellow,
>  First of all I stated my intentions were to post the facsimiles, and ask
> people what they thought, I then said I'd take the matter to heart.
> you don't have a heart, I'll translate that into, I will listen to what
> everyone said.
>   I then made a decision that the right thing to do was to  contact Albert
> and propose an idea, which is not to far different than Thomas Schell's
> site.
>    Then all hell broke loose! No where did I " publicly declare that " I
> intend to
> rip him off " Those are you words. At no time did I say I would post the
> facsimiles regardless of Albert's wishes, and quite frankly I won't, based
> not so much on legality, but to respect his wishes.  In the end I don't
> to piss off anymore human beings,than I have to, except you!   I asked
> alarming questions again out of my naivety which you seem to enjoy
> out.
>     Also, concerning young guitars students,  I have noticed that hardly
> of them play baroque or ren music these, it's mostly modern.
>    In one local private high school in Albuq. there are 70 guitar
> Being that I only play Baroque lute, that does alarm me, in a selfish kind
> of way.  So I don't know what planet your from, but as you claim to be in
> tune with the guitar world you obviously are not.  This without a dought
> what these young kids are into. wake up and smell the coffee!  my friend.
>     Also, concerning my website and posting Facsimiles.  I could care less
> about another Bach version of a lute suite for guitar, I just like seeing
> the facsimile, and if it draws  guitarists to my site all the better for
> But I do want to help these kids as well Believe me or not.
>      In the end, I don;t give a rats ass if you ever heard of me or not.
> conceder that to be a blessing.  Go and get some help my friend!
> Michael Thames
> Luthier
> Site design by Natalina Calia-Thames
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Matanya Ophee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 11:53 PM
> Subject: Re: Facsimeles etc.
> > At 09:56 PM 12/2/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > >Relax Montana,
> >
> > That can work both ways, distorting people's names intentionally. But I
> > will resist the urge to engage in this juvenile silliness.
> >
> >
> > >    I see you have quite alot of baggage with this issue, to go after
> with
> > >your well known guile, and considering remarks.  You truly take the
> > >for vileness, your reputation precedes you.
> >
> > Glad you noticed.
> >
> > >        Again, glad to be the scapegoat for you Publishing kind of
> but
> > >as you say this is getting old, isn't it.
> > >        If I were your mother I'd take you over my knee and give a good
> > >whacking!   But since this is your only source of income I'll forgive
> you!
> >
> > That's bullshit number one. Publishing is not my source of income at
> > It is only the source of my _losses_ over the years. If had to live the
> way
> > I do from music publishing, this business would have gone down the drain
> > decades ago. Do check my biography more carefully.
> >
> > >       Lets put all exchanges of pleasantries  aside, Please tell me
> > >crime I'm guilty of, what have I done other than ask a few
> "
> > >questions. I've already admitted I'm stupid, and you've pointed that
> > >again just in case everyone forgot.
> > >        Is WANTING to post a facsimile a crime?
> >
> > No it isn't a crime. And legalities have nothing to do with what Albert
> > talking about. Fairness is the issue. He invested a great deal of time
> > money in creating this book, and you publicly declare that you intend to
> > rip him off. That was not a crime, but a stupid thing to do. Take
> > from your like-minded perps. There are quite a few of them around. Say
> > nothing and do what you have to do. If what you did stinks, you'll have
> > live with it.
> >
> > >            As I stated, I asked Albert's permission.
> >
> > Wrong person to ask. He does not own the manuscript. He paid money for
> > permission to publish it, and this is exactly what you should do: apply
> > the library and ask for permission, and pay the fee. Then you do
> > you want to do. Albert even gave you the address and the name of the
> person
> > to write to. So instead of sniffling about legalities, do what all of us
> > are doing: get it DIRECTLY from the source.
> >
> >
> > >       But come to think of it, as of yet I haven't heard his answer.
> Just
> > >between you and me Montana what do you think He'll say?
> >
> > He already said it. Loud and clear.
> >
> > >      Montana, if there are 50 or so editions of the Bach lute suites
> are
> > >you uncomfortable with one more?
> >
> > I am not uncomfortable at all. Even Albert clearly stated that he has
> > nothing against your doing another edition. The only time I am
> > uncomfortable with this, is when someone asks me to publish _his_
> > of the Lute Suites. I have rejected more than one such project in the
> past.
> > You want to do a new edition of the lute suites?  be my guest. It is
> > time and money. But let's do it on a plain level field. Just like
> everybody
> > else.
> >
> > >      And please, don't be so pretentious as to know with whom I'm well
> > >connected with in the guitar world.
> >
> > Huh? I know nothing about you and I have no idea who you are connected
> > with. Never heard your name before this thread. You make guitars? lutes?
> > don't recall ever hearing about your instruments from any one, and I do
> get
> > around.
> >
> > >   And above all , you can have Bach, but
> > >keep your greedy hands off of Weiss.
> >
> > Too late. I published the Moscow Weiss manuscript years before I even
> heard
> > your name. As for Bach, you can check my on-line catalogue for my Bach
> > transcriptions. You will not find the lute suites there.
> >
> > Look here fellow: the issue is not me, and the issue is not Albert
> > Reyerman. the issue is that the lute world is way too small. No
> > instrumental discipline ever survived without publishers, and it does
> > matter if the publisher is a private person who is doing this for the
> > of the lute, or the lute society or large commercial publishers who can
> > support the losing proposition of publishing lute music by publishing a
> lot
> > of other commercial fodder. You want to join the crowd and become a
> > publisher yourself?
> >
> > That's commendable and I will be happy to assist you in any way I can,
> > so would Albert. But one thing you must understand: anytime you benefit
> > scavenging the work of others, the stench goes sky high. And don't give
> > this bullshit about posting this music on your web site as an altruistic
> > service to the young. Your purpose is to attract surfers to your web
> > where they can also view the instruments you have for sale. All you want
> is
> > another advertising tool. Nothing wrong with that and we all do it. But
> > please do it on your own nickel, not Albert's.
> >
> >
> >
> > Matanya Ophee
> >
> > Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
> > 1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
> > Columbus, OH 43235-1226
> > Phone: 614-846-9517
> > Fax:     614-846-9794
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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