
I don't know about the amount of lute players or enthusiasts. Nice to
hear that you are willing to support the lute scene by buying editions
and CDs - please visit as much concerts as possible, too!

Actually that's what I would like people to do: attending concerts and
supporting artist keeps the thing alive - no matter if it's the lute or
classical guitar or painting or ...  (although I personally am enjoying
the lute the most ; - )) 

I don't know about the CD sales in the US but over here in europe it's a
catastophe.  You need to buy one of mine because me cellar is full of
unsold CDs :- )
But: seriously the amount of CDs produced depends on the company the CD
is Producing/marketing. Naxos or Sony will sell much more than small
Our CDs (small company) are made in a number of 500 to 2000 and it will
takes several years to sell them.

Best wishes

Am Sam, 2003-12-06 um 23.55 schrieb Daniel Shoskes:

> As I was deleting another repetitive pain in the ass flame post in the ongoing 
> battle between the
> greedy billionaire lute publishers and the brave Trotskyist proletariat struggling 
> to free the
> world's tablature I think I noticed an estimate of about 4000 lute players 
> worldwide. Is this a
> reasonable estimate? Would these range from serious players to people with a lute in 
> the attic they
> haven't touched in 15 years? Include guitarists who tune their g string down a half 
> step? Include the
> pipa and oud? Those people with a Lute Olsen signed basketball?
> As someone who has listened to and enjoyed lute music for over 20 years (and been 
> playing for 4
> months) it continues to surprise me how many people have never heard of the 
> instrument or know its
> sound (though they have seen them in pictures). Have any of the lute societies made 
> a coordinated
> effort to try to increase public awareness (realizing that about 2% of the general 
> public would
> consider to buy any classical music CD)? It continues to amaze me that when the 
> Renaissance Fair
> comes to South Florida it is PACKED for 2 weeks solid and yet there is not a single 
> lute teacher less
> than a 5 hour drive away from me. I actually got excited when I glanced at the 
> headline "Odette May
> Head to South Florida" before I realized they were talking about the hurricane.
> I've tried to do my part in a small way. I will be bringing my lutes into the 
> Classical Guitar class
> at the high school my kids attend. I've tried to support those who make their living 
> in the field by
> ordering 2 lutes newly made rather than second hand, ordering a number of music 
> editions from Tree,
> Lyre and Orphee even though I have enough downloaded to keep me busy and buying most 
> of the newly
> released CD's (which range from fantastic virtuoso performances to, ahem, less than 
> steller efforts).
> No doubt my efforts are a drop in the bucket. (how many copies of a lute CD are 
> usually sold
> anyway??).
> What have others done on an individual and/or organizational wide level?

Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3   
D-65843 Sulzbach
www.lautenist.de / www.tslaute.de/weiss


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