>I don't know about the amount of lute players or enthusiasts. Nice to
>hear that you are willing to support the lute scene by buying editions
>and CDs - please visit as much concerts as possible, too!
>Actually that's what I would like people to do: attending concerts and
>supporting artist keeps the thing alive - no matter if it's the lute or
>classical guitar or painting or ...  (although I personally am enjoying
>the lute the most ; - )) 
Well, the problem for me is that I haven't seen any lute concerts advertised in South 
Florida since
moving here over 3 years ago. Growing up in Toronto, I had many opportunities (Julian 
Bream and Paul
O'Dette were my earliest introductions) and in my life of many moves I have seen 
concerts in Oxford,
London, Cleveland and Los Angeles but nothing here. I've gone so far as to arrange a 
private concert
in my home for next year (it's a big surprise for my wife) with a famous lutenist, but 
other than for
our invited guests it won't exactly spread the word throughout the land.

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