> So any music not rooted in Christian semantics (like MacOSX rooted in 
> Unix)
> is doomed to being not quite that memorable (see Pagan, Islamic, Judaic
> etc., and don't hold you breath for a Ramadan oratorio).

I find this very strange, Roman - in fact I don't find it true at all.  
Perhaps it is a matter of taste, or a matter of being open to other 
cultures and points of view, or simply a matter of exposure.  For me 
music with the quality you describe is music that comes, for lack of a 
better description, directly from "the source" and expresses that.  I 
don't want to accuse you of being closed, narrow-minded or 
undemocratic! - and I have to admit that I would rather listen to 
J.S.B. than anything else, most of the time, but the trio sonatas or 
the Italian Concerto more than the sacred music (there are some very 
moving corales, though).  Maybe you don't get to hear the best stuff 
from other cultures.  I saw a program about the rebirth of Cambodian 
traditional dancing, and the music was absolutely sublime.  Developing 
different ears is well worth the effort.


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