And may I add it is also very handy for quick and minimal tuning correction:
pulling the string over the frets and/or slightly pushing it over the
pegbox. (I cannot do that with flat pegboxes.) I believe the reason is the
same as for Kenneth's explanation below: there is more friction at the nut
in case of bent pegbox.

Best regards:

Gabor Domjan

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: # 1 lute question

> Actually, James, in all seriousness I've noticed that it is much easier to
> tune and keep the tuning stable in lutes with bent back pegboxes than
lutes with
> extended pegboxes and certainly more than baroque and renaissance guitars
> vihuelas.
> Kenneth
> --

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