Howar Posner scripsit:
>> I couldn't sleep at night if I took your money on a sucker bet like that.
>> Were I a gambling man (I'm not), I might take bets on whether there are more
>> professional lutenists in London now than there were in the entire world
>> forty years ago.
> Probably true, if your definition of a professional lutenist in London
> today depends on counting on anyone who owns a lute and produced a vanity
> CD. I would suggest that the way to measure this, is to walk into Border's
> or Tower Records, and see how many lute CDs are available in the bins.
> Since we cannot walk into similar stores in 1956 or so, we have to go by
> existing discographies. In 1990, I published a discography of guitar
> records. It includes a section of lute recordings, mostly LPs that were
> produced before 1990. The picture it gives is illuminating.
Check Lutenists-on-Record at
Useful for statistics....

Roman M. Turovsky

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