Hello, Martin.  It was so good to meet you in Cleveland this summer.

On this topic of rolling chords, especially 5-6 not chords, you gave an 
example of the opening chord of Lachrimae.  Your point is well taken, that 
both the bass and treble notes are to be on the beat.  Some people play the 
bass note on the beat, & follow with the other notes.  I have found that in 
ensemble playing, it is usually best to finish the chord (i.e. the treble 
note on the beat, so the arpeggiated chord starts early to land on the beat.

What do others think about this?


At 03:13 PM 10/31/2004 +0000, Martin Shepherd wrote:
>Dear Stewart,
>You said:
> > I sympathise with Oscar Gighlia's unhappiness at being told how to
> > play by his duet partner. One's performance is very much a personal
> > thing, and there are times when we might resent others interfering.
> > In a successful duet partnership there has to be a certain amount of
> > give and take. I don't know the circumstances, of course, but it is
> > possible that Gighlia's playing might have benefited from listening
> > to what his partner had to say.
> >
>You and I have played together a lot over the years so I just thought
>everyone would be interested to know how much I agree with your last
>sentence here.  There are many times when we have debated an issue (like
>whether or not to roll a chord) and experimented with it, and come to a
>consensus, and learned something in the process.  When people play together,
>they should really leave their egos at home.
>On the rolling of chords/rubato issue, what are your thoughts on the opening
>bar of Lachrimae?  The chord must be rolled (I'm assuming a version witha 5-
>or 6-note chord) - we would like the bass note to be on the beat (well it is
>anyway because it's the first note of the piece) but the top note of the
>chord is the first note of the melody and we would like that to be on the
>beat, too.  So when do we play the second melody note?  Do we effectively
>cut the dotted note slightly shorter to compensate?  Sorry, everyone, I'm
>sure Stewart will explain it better than I can.
>Best wishes,
>To get on or off this list see list information at

Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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