>    I've always been curious about the aspect of memorization in lute music.
>In this paragraph Gallot seems to suggest it.  Baron advises to memorize in
>the beginning stages of learning, but then goes on to say he's not
>recommending it ( don't have the book handy).
>     Sterling Price, has visited a few times, and I was shocked, at how well
>he can sight read, and says this is what everyone does. Up to that point, I
>had two, and working on three, Weiss Sonatas completely memorized.
>       This for me, not being a professional performer, was allot of RAM to
>store. Since that time I have been only sight reading, but then this seems
>to have it's own short comings as well.  Is there a middle ground.
>   Could this aspect of memorization be a result of the lute being frozen in
>time, whilst the rest of the musical world went on to fancy memorization ?
>Michael Thames

Robert Barto told me he tends to memorize when 
learning a piece. I think this is the best 
approach. After you learn a piece you can go on 
to really memorize it or play from tab, where the 
tab just reminds you of how it goes.

One of the biggest mistakes people make, 
according to a video I watched about 
memorization, is that they work on too large a 
chunk at one time. When I'm learning a piece, I 
find that I should just work on a phrase and get 
it in my ear and fingers and concentrate on 
playing lightly and musically. This means taking 
a small enough chunk and playing it by memory 
while I look at my fingers and analyze what is 
going on. It's hard work. It is much easier to 
sight read. I find practicing in this way takes a 
tremendous amount of self discipline.

I'm not saying that this is the correct way to 
practice. I'm just saying that, for me, I know I 
should do it this way because I tend to damage my 
hands if I get caught up in sight reading. It is 
so easy to get lost in a suite and then when you 
finish, realize you've been playing for an hour 
without a break.

my 2 ¥

Ed Durbrow
Saitama, Japan

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