Roman Turovsky wrote:

> you are mixing up apfel and pomeranz. No orchestra ever plays
> from memory.

>But every orchestra is concerned about the "professional >stage presence"
>its musicians (or, as seems to be the fashion around >here, "musician's");
>which was the immediate subject at hand.  Orchestras >>(or "orchestra's")
>vastly more concerned than guitar or lute recitalist (or >"recitalist's")

   Howard,,,,,,,,,,,  try repeating the words, solo,,,, solo,,, solo,,, this
may help.
Michael Thames
----- Original Message -----
From: "Howard Posner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lute net" <>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: mesmerization

> Roman Turovsky wrote:
> > you are mixing up apfel and pomeranz. No orchestra ever plays
> > from memory.
> But every orchestra is concerned about the "professional stage presence"
> its musicians (or, as seems to be the fashion around here, "musician's");
> which was the immediate subject at hand.  Orchestras (or "orchestra's")
> vastly more concerned than guitar or lute recitalist (or "recitalist's")
> are.
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