>My only "problems" is that I musically abhor JW, in which >I am far from
>alone, and  I like (in an old Flemish tradition...) to have >fun at the
>expense of stupid people. Thames obviously thinks that >mindless ad
>are funny, so he is fair game
    My only "problems" is that I musically abhor JW, in which I am far from
alone, and  I like (in an old Flemish tradition...) to have fun at the
expense of stupid people. Thames obviously thinks that mindless ad hominems
are funny, so he is fair game

   If only the hunter was as skillfull as the prey!
My only "game " is a strong dislike of being preached to about musical
taste, by a self inflated dilettante, who's only mode of expression, are one
liner insults.
     BTW, I'm not as preoccupied with lute sales as you are.  Get over it !
I've got bigger fish to fry!
Michael Thames
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roman Turovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Joseph Mayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lute net" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Schelle lute

> > If you guys have nothing to say that a. doesn't include personal attacks
> > and b. relates to lutes; Why don't you take it off-list? I lie a flame
> > as much as the next fellow (ie. Not at all) but this grows tiresome.
> Moi???? I'm just collecting some dialogue to be used in a novel, while
> practicing my English. I have no idea what Thames' game is, aside from
> blowing his lutemaker's reputation on trying to outdo MO in useless
> resilience. He squarely accomplished both.
> My only "problems" is that I musically abhor JW, in which I am far from
> alone, and  I like (in an old Flemish tradition...) to have fun at the
> expense of stupid people. Thames obviously thinks that mindless ad
> are funny, so he is fair game.
> >
> > I mostly lurk on the list, unless some one spouts some anti-guitar trash
> More will be forthcoming if JW is ever mentioned, for sure.
> > and thereby rattles my cage, and have found interest and sound
> > in both of your posts in the past. It is, however, getting to the place
> > where I delete when I see your names.
> Same to you!
> RT
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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