   Yes, it was one of the highlights of the trip for my wife and I.  There
are also 4 Strads, and an Amati, as well as a Gesu, in a private room in the
city hall, that we found out about by accident, not well known there.
   G.B. Ceruti any relation to you?
Michael Thames
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Marion Ceruti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Thames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lute net"
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: Stradivari lute?

> Hi Michael,
> ++Glad you enjoyed your trip.
> Whilst visiting the one of the most charming cities in Italia, Cremona,
where Stradivari worked.   I visited the museum that houses tools, and
moulds etc. from his workshop, I was hoping some energy from the master
would be absorbed  into my DNA, my hopes were fulfilled.
> ++That is a wonderful museum which also has a violin by G.B. Ceruti,
although not one of his best, to be sure. His best violins can be heard in
various orchestras. Some concert masters have them, a fact that I discovered
while singing with one.
>   I noticed a lute template of the belly ( 11 course French lute) made
from thick paper, folded down the middle to from the centre line,
indicating to me, that lutes were originally conceived to be symmetrically
prefect, and do in fact have a clear centre line, contrary to what Lundberg
> ++Yes, that is interesting. I also learned, while I was there, that
Stradivari also made mandolins, although I have yet to see one in person.
>    Cheers,
> Marion
> ++++++++++Mandolino napoletano+++++++++++
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