BRAVO, Stewart !!! 

Just the perfect words...



> Dear Rick and Paul,
> Thank you for your common-sense contributions. The Sting thread has
> aroused many passions. I am inclined to think that many of the
> contributions have been sent in by a load of fuddy-duddies. I am
> reminded of my old school chaplain, who disliked the Beatles, and
> seemed to resent their popularity. When I told him that I liked
> their music, he was aghast. "What sort of voices do they have? Are
> they tenors?" he asked scathingly. It was the wrong question. They
> weren't tenors. To be a tenor, meant singing classical music with a
> trained voice. The Beatles did something else, and it was a mistake
> on the chaplain's part to try to judge them by inappropriate
> criteria.
> So it is with many of the critical comments levelled against Sting.
> If we expect him to sound like Emma Kirkby, we shall be
> disappointed. He sings Dowland his own way. His performance of "Can
> she excuse my wrongs" has excitement and passion. The out-of-tune
> notes may grate on our refined ears, but at least they are sung with
> committment. It is an angry, passionate song, supposedly about the
> Earl of Essex' unrequited love for Queen Elizabeth. How many times
> have I heard it sung beautifully by an angelic voice, perfectly in
> tune, and with no more fire than a damp squib: in tune, but utterly
> flat?
> Does HIP matter? Is it a sine qua non? Is Sting trying to promulgate
> a historically informed performance? Probably not. He has his own
> agenda. The irony of it all is, his performance is as likely to be
> as HIP as any other. How do we know Dowland and his contemporaries
> didn't sing that way?
> Much has been said in criticism of Karamazov, the lutenist. For me,
> his performance is also exciting, and I am impressed by the
> spectacular divisions at the end of the sound clip. His great crime
> seems to be performing Dowland on an archlute, and with single
> strings. My Goodness! How could he do such a thing? Wherever was he
> brought up? Yet, as one who has played the music of Francesco da
> Milano on an 8-course lute with nylgut strings, I would hesitate to
> throw the first HIP stone.
> For me, the big mistake is having the microphones too close to the
> performers. If that is the sound they are after, good luck to them,
> but I suspect it was imposed on them by a sound engineer unfamiliar
> with lutes. If the mike is too close, it will capture that harsh,
> brittle sound you get when you have your ears right up to the lute
> ribs. Ideally the mikes should be some distance away, where they are
> more likely to capture the sound a listener would normally hear from
> an accoustic instrument.
> Best wishes,
> Stewart McCoy.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lindberg Richard-MGIA0539" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Paul Pleijsier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 9:59 PM
> Subject: *** SPAM *** [LUTE] Re: Single strung archlute !!!
>> My feelings exactly. I think it is pretty cool for a pop musician
> to try
>> anything like this whether it's historically accurate or not. At
> least
>> John Dowland's music will be brought to a new audience if nothing
> else.
>> Who knows what additonal interest that will pique.
>> Rick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul Pleijsier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 4:26 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: Single strung archlute !!!
>> > If the CD sounds anything like what you can hear at Amazon then
> it
>> > must go down as one of the worst lute recordings of all times.
> What
>> > are those amazingly loud string noises ?
>> Please try to see what it really is: a fantasy performing style,
> pop
>> influenced, though not standard Sting-pop, with a poppy use of the
>> studio, exaggerating string noise, compression etc., trying to
> find the
>> missing link between lute playing and modern pyrotechnics. Let's
> give
>> Sting and his luter the thumbs up for trying something different.
>> PP
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