--- "Mathias Rösel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > 
> Notwithstanding everybody's personal preferences, I
> especially disliked
> Lislevand's stopping of basses so as to stress the
> notes.

Not my preference, either.  Hoppy Smith does this sort
of thing all over his de Visee album and it seems like
lots of folks really enjoy that recording.  Sounds too
disruptive to me, but I love the album anyway.

> Had he chosen gut bass strings
> and additionally put
> his right hand closer to the bridge, 

I don't agree about the gut strings, but I will agree
with you on the right hand position.  (I think most
players could move toward the bridge.)  This is hard
to do on such a large instrument as he's using,
however.  Funny, though, far from finding the basses
"thundering" as you described in a previous post, his
sound was a bit too gentle for my taste.  On the other
hand, I don't think it would have sounded the same way
to a listener in the room (as opposed to the mic being
right in front of him).

> I wouldn't
> hesitate to declare him
> the winner >:)

Don't know - there were things I liked about both. 
Lislevand approached the piece as a straight-ahead
dance while the other performance was more rhapsodic. 
Both are worthy, but I really like to hear it
somewhere between the two.  Fortunately, neither one
was competing on "Lute-God Idol."


> Mathias
> >   
> > --- "Mathias Rösel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > "Davide Bioccoli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > > > Hi to all...
> > > > Here's a nice (but short) link to Lislevand
> > > playing De Visée: 
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhKuL75sLfQ
> > > 
> > > If Rafael Bonavita
> > >
> >
> > > had used
> > > Lislevand's stringing instead of those awefully
> > > roaring wound bass
> > > strings, not only his interpretation but also
> his
> > > performance would have
> > > been superior, IMO.
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