On Mon, Sep 10, 2007, Edward Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I have never experienced mildew or mold on an instrument.

I was born in a small new england town on the coast.  Mildew was a
constant challenge in the summer, damp bathing suits and towels plus
periodic days of high heat and high humidity were the norm, the closer you
are to the coast the worse it is.  Places close to swampland, eg, Florida,
the Yucatan; and places with high rainfall such as Vancouver will also
have trouble with high humidity and mildew.

Closed up spaces such as basements, attics, dens, anyplace with poor
airflow will encourage the growth of airborn spores such as mildew (also
dryrot).  This is worst in a new house with tight construction when you
are using air conditioning and have minimal air exchange to the outside.

Mold on wood is not uncommon, one sees it in forests all the time.  It
should be rare on wood inside a house, but when the conditions are right
it will show itself.  The fabric in a case is more likely than on the
instrument itself tho.

Check your cases periodically, if they smell musty air them out, and
figure out a way to improve air circulation in that area, no just for the
instruments, but also for you, your clothing, your pets, the rugs...
Dana Emery

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