On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Omer katzir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> does any one knows where to get Alexander Agricola Lute tabs for lute  
> (French/Italian)?

Not sure that Agricola ever wreote for the lute, most of his material was
3v and 4v vocal music, one expects that to be published in seperate part
books.  H M Brown, _Instrumental Music printed before 1600_ is where you
should begin your search.  Brown lists tablature editions (which mainly
were printed, tho a few ms tablatures are of interest such as the Pesaro
and the thibault); Brown's extensive indicis are by piece within each
edition, and include composer and lyric attributions where they are known.

It would be a mistake to focus entirely on tablature, much of the early
tablature has its origin in music composed for seperate parts, rescribed
for performance on lute, perhaps to accompany one or more voices.  You can
do this yourself, from a modern edition, or, making your own decisions on
ficta and errata if you work from fascimile of the partbooks.  Preparing
your own editions is an excellent opportunity to get deep into the music.

> Hans newsidler's have 2 pices named after AA, what's the story behind  
> them?

Iy was common practice for publishers to get attributions wrong (our
sight, todays standards), perhaps they were lying (AA being better known
might boost sales), perhaps just mistaken, perhaps the lyrics were done by
AA and the music redone by HN; perhaps HN has writen a parody of an AA
piece, and if the edition was understood to be by HN then pointing out the
parody by atributing AA might have been what was done, perhaps
attributions were left until the end of the publication process and were
dealt with hastily at a time when communication with those who would have
knowledge was difficult (attributions mainly appear on the index page,
which is usually the last thing prepared). We cant be certain without
asking the editor.

Dana Emery

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