"Bernd Haegemann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> >
> > Did you mistype something? I never saw a Greek word beginning with "mp".
> >
> copy
> œÀµÁ¼À¬½Ä·Â
> to search engine and have a look :-)
> I seem to remember that in the preclassic times quite
> some words started with "mp-", then reduced to b.

Vice versa, rather. The pronucniation of classical Greek letter B turned
from <b> to <v> during the Byzantine era. That sound is what the letter
stands for in the Cyrillical alphabet, too, so the shift must have taken
place before Cyrill travelled to Sarmatia. In order to keep the sound,
however, the consonant was in Greek then transcribed <mp>, whereas
Cyrill used ?.


> I also remember having seen this combination on
> on road signs in  Athens last year, but perhaps the sun
> was too hot..
> Mathias, Markus,... :-))
> best wishes and
> HAPPY EASTER for the orthodox friends
> B.

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