Not at all, David.  I shouldn't be given any credit for work Alex has 
done.  Carry on and enjoy.

I do have Alex's little book.  It's very useful for those of us with an 
interest in baroque-era mandolins.  I think you may be able to order it 
directly from him: 
<>.  I don't even read 
Dutch, and I think the visual chronology and instrument measurements are 
worth the price alone.  Unfortunately to the thread at hand, the book has 
nothing at all to do with fabricating plectra of quills.

Peripheral, but for those with an interest more modern incarnations of 
functionally archlute-like-thingies, Alex also has some nice articles in 
the Italian journal GuitArt and elsewhere on romantic-era guitars with 
sub-bass diapasons.


At 09:00 AM 7/1/2008, LGS-Europe wrote:
>>>I found these pictures and text explaining how to split a feather and 
>>>make one of the resulting halves of the tip (the bit stuck into the 
>>>bird) into a plectrum, much like a pen, very instructive:
>>Remarkable.  That page looks identical to the one I e-mailed to the list 
>>back at the beginning of June...because it is.  That set of instructions 
>>was crafted by a fellow .nl-er, David: Alex Timmerman in Zwolle.
>Sorry, I should have said it was you who pointed me to Alex' instructions, 
>but I had deleted your mail, just kept the page.
>Alex Timmermans made a small booklet showing of (his?) collection of 
>mandolines and guitar in nice pictures:
>De Mandoline en de Gitaar door de eeuwen heen
>Originele Historische Instrumenten.
>Postbus 1040
>8001BA Zwolle
>ISBN: 90-9007969-6
>Obscure publisher, but can order it for you and 
>it costs next to nothing.
>David van Ooijen

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