David Rastall wrote:
On Jul 24, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Robert Margo wrote:

I think Mr. Tayler is referring to the 14th piece in Francisque (counting
from the beginning of the book).  I played it this morning.  It is
definitely a Dowland theme.

That's what I was thinking. It's a Dowland theme, which Francisque took and wrote a galliard on it. Does that make it a "piece by Dowland?"

Of course, Diana Poulton knew of this setting - see her biography, pp 62, 289 and 489.

It is well known that David Tayler doesn't accept the Holmes manuscripts or Variety as reliable sources for Dowland's music.

Why on earth does he think Dowland has anything to do with this setting of CLM19 that is simply called "Galliarde" and not attributed to anybody by Francisque.

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