On 1/9/2009, "David van Ooijen" <davidvanooi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 10:25 PM,  <wi...@cs.helsinki.fi> wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone ever seen or heard about a left handed piano?
> Guy in Holland made a left-handed 'copy' of a forte-piano for a
> customer. Daft thing to do. I believe the player had his music printed
> upside down, or treble cleff on the bottom staff or something similar.
> Even made the regular news paper.

BTW, why was that music  printed upside down? Is there really some true
connection between low,down,left and on the other hand, high,up,right?
Low-high note, down-up printing, left-right setting of the keyboard?

BTW2: The modern "staff notation" is perhaps actually only a "piano
tabulature"`?  ;-)


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