From: "howard posner" <>
On Jun 1, 2009, at 2:04 PM, Roman Turovsky wrote:
These are HOWARD POSNER'S OWN words about Reger:
Nice to see my name in bigger type than Reger's.
That's what happens when lawyers lose vigilance about what they commit to e-mail.

"Nonetheless, this is the only famous thing Reger ever wrote, far
outstripping any of his music.  It even conveyed a bit of immortality
on Rudolf Louis, the critic, without actually disputing anything he
said. Quick show of hands: can anyone remember ever hearing Reger's
Sinfonietta, which was the work Louis had panned?  Let's not all
speak up at once... "

If it's nasty to say 1) Reger's bowel movement remark is more famous than any of his music, 2) Reger didn't dispute anything Louis said, and 3) the Sinfonietta is pretty much unknown, so be it.
What Louis said has no relevance wahtsoever. Reger remains in the repertoire, whether Louis likes it or not. Louis however does not appear in anybody's repertoire. Show of hands, anyone?

Sorry, we've gotten way OT.  It's long past time to end this digression.
It is not OT, first by the virtue of my lowly arrangement of his Presto for unaccompanied violin, and second - I am putting finishing touches on my Klaglied/Tombeau for Reger.

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