Reminds me of "Starless and Bible Black".  King Crimson, via Dylan

   2009/12/3 Lex van Sante <[1]>

     As a point for discussion.
     I read the poem thus (a very personal view of course!)
     For me sitting down and writing this down puts any thoughts I have
     had about this poem in perspective.
     Probably next year I will have changed my mind somewhat.
     In darknesse let mee dwell,                             I want my
     right to melancholy
     The ground shall sorrow be,                             The
     foundation for it shall be Sorrow
     The roofe Dispaire to barre all,                                The
     roof shall be Despair to
     all cheerfull light from mee
     protect me from all cheerfulness
     The walls of marble blacke                              The black
     marble walls
     that moistned still shall weepe                         shall be wet
     with silent tears
     My musicke, hellish, jarring sound                      My music
     shall be hellish jarring ( rattling unnnerving) sounds
     to banish friendly sleepe                                       To
     keep me from comforting sleep
     Thus wedded to my woes                                  Thus
     connected to my woes
     And bedded to my tombe                                  and in bed
     with my tombe ( as in having a marital relation to it)
     O, let me living die                                            Let
     me die being alive
     Till death doe come                                             Till
     (true) death comes
     In darknesse let mee dwell                              I want my
     right to melancholy

     In short I think the poet wants to live as king in his kingdom of
     despair, and wants every positive influence to be kept outside of
     Lex van Sante




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