> having an appropriate jig to be able to carry this out as
>    fast as possible (forget about go-bars; I do not think they are a good
>    idea at all, unless one could tension several at the same time!)

try it before you give up, I think you will find it a popular solution
with many luthiers.  The pressure possible from a gobar is just right for
the work, the space available is appropriate, and every gobar is a
deep-throat clamp with no reach problems.

The only faster setup would involve pneumatic plungers, which means a low
ceiling to attach them to and the risk there is an inability to see when
things have gone wrong inside (a small rib mispositioned tipping over for

> When I have it done, I shall share the
>    photographs.

they would be welcome by us, but not sure the list will forward attachments.

Dana Emery

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