
I take it you're looking for a couple of no-page-turns, lots-o'- variety readable books. Pickering can work if you're sure you've got enough light. Phalese '68 has quite a few dances and oodles of anticho noodles + quite a few chansons that might work in your case too. I know this isn't early baroque but they are a couple that often go into my "play for hours" bag.


On Aug 16, 2010, at 11:16 AM, David van Ooijen wrote:


Coming Saturday I am to play for two hours during a dinner. The
request was for early-Baroque dance music, but I think that can be
interpreted as anything between 1500 and 1700 of a lively nature. I'll
bring a pile of music, so no fear of silence - and I can improvise
music of a lively nature for hours on end - but could people with some
experience in this sort of thing tell me what they usually play?
Ideally I'd just put one or two books on my music stand and play
through these.

I'll now walk to my music shelves and see with what sort of one-stop
solution I can come up with, but I'm sure some of you will be even
faster. ;-)

David - lively by nature

David van Ooijen

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