Sounds pretty farfetched to me, but what do I know? I had heard that
   cat is just short for cattle, which of course includes sheep.

   On Dec 27, 2010, at 11:34 PM, JarosAA'aw Lipski wrote:

   Although this subject was discussed couple of month ago, quite
   unexpectedly I found an interesting information in a book on cats which
   casts some new light on this term. In "Cat watching" Desmond Morris
   asks why sheep gut should be perversely referred to as catgut, and
   suggests that the clue lies in the earliest use of the term. At the
   beginning of the seventeenth century, one author wrote of fiddlers
   "tickling the dryed gutts of a mewing cat". Later we hear of a man
   upset "at every twang of the cat-gut, as if he heard at the moment the
   wailing of the helpless animal that had been sacrificed to harmony".
   These references come from a period when domestic cats were all too
   often the victims of persecution and torture, and the sound of
   squealing cats was not unfamiliar to human ears. In addition, there was
   the noise of the caterwauling at times when feral tomcats were arguing
   over females in heat. Together, these characteristic feline sounds
   provided the obvious basis for a comparison with the din created by
   inexpert musicians scraping at their stringed instruments. In the
   imaginations of the tormented listeners, the inappropriate sheep gut
   became transformed into the appropriate catgut - a vivid fiction to
   replace a dull fact (as he suggests).
   Hmm.......quite interesting...though he didn't enclose any bibliography
   Best wishes for the coming New Year!
   Jaroslaw Lipski
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   Ed Durbrow
   Saitama, Japan




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