I continue my "quantity" postings... ;)
   Today I tried to "tube" L'Imperieuse, Allemande de Mouton (ms. Praha Kk
   Far, very far, from perfect. And yes, I do know quite well quite a few
   places that should and could have been done better... Anyhow, this
   style of music - fragmentary, kind of vague here and there, short
   phrases,  etc. - pleases me much! Vague as life!  I'll try to become
   better in showing that also to others... Here is what I could do today:

   And the Courante is coming... Sorry ;-)

   On 28/03/12 22:26, Arto Wikla wrote:

     Still more quantity to the "tubes"!
     I just tried to solve one puzzle of unmeasured preludes - this time
     Mouton's puzzle in g-minor. I think I found something, but I am very
     sure there is also much that I did not get:
     and the same also in
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   1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v%C2%B745bzjjG2w
   2. http://vimeo.com/39492200
   3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v%C3%8EM2IYAh0Cg
   4. http://vimeo.com/39352252
   5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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