
> "Add" is clear enough a word IMO.

Add is clear but we don't know what exactly to add and what way. It could be 
either upper or lower octave. If lower, it would be a very strange setting 
having plain brass string fundamental and gut octave. If upper, it could be 
quite difficult to play in tune having two very different strings (wire and 
gut) in a course especially that an octave would have to be made from a very 
thin wire. This is why some people think about addition of a brass wire to a 
gut string. How it was done we just don't know.

> We'll never know, I'm afraid, what he had in mind. As a matter of fact, he
> wrote (a)eneam, and that is ore (bronze), not brass. Brazen would in Latin
> have been aurichalcam.

Bronze strings? Very unusal…

> I'm sorry my attempt of a translation didn't satisfy you.

I didn't say I'm not satisfied with your translation, and am very sorry if you 
understood it that way. It is rather a matter of interpretation of Tinctoris's 
words which is quite difficult IMHO. But obviously either of us could be wrong. 
It's just a shear speculation.
I wish you a good day


> Mathias
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