Excellent plan.


-----Original Message-----
From: Monica Hall [mailto:mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:16 PM
To: Braig, Eugene
Cc: Lutelist
Subject: Re: [LUTE] Re: 4 course guitar in Italy

Oh dear - sorry if I have given the wrong impression about what Martyn was 

We sometimes get at cross-purposes and get cross with one another but I think 
we are on friendly enough terms not to take offense.

Apologies if you or he see it differently.

And now as Rob suggests - let's just listen to the music and enjoy.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Braig, Eugene" <brai...@osu.edu>
To: "Lutelist" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 6:17 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: 4 course guitar in Italy

>I certainly can't speak for Martyn, but don't detect any suppositions of 
>"self-evident" terminology in what he's written to this thread.  I can 
>speak for me, and what Martyn has written does speak to my own skepticism. 
>I perceive a great difference between "In spite of Meucci's article, I'm 
>not certain what 'chitarra' may refer to in every instance," and "Because 
>I'm not certain of the universal meaning of 'chitarra' in this context, it 
>must sometimes refer to a waisted instrument."  The impression I've always 
>taken from this thread is the former concept, and it's one I personally 
>like.  I don't mind occasional admission to not knowing or not having come 
>to a conclusion.  As a matter of fact, I ordinarily prefer that state of 
>knowledge.  It's much more plastic if/when contrary evidence ever does 
> Carry on.
> Eugene
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu [mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu] On 
> Behalf Of Monica Hall
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:30 AM
> To: Martyn Hodgson
> Cc: Lutelist
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: 4 course guitar in Italy
> Contrary to what you suggest - we do know that "chitarriglia" is an 
> Italian term for a small guitar.  I understand that it is an Italianized 
> version of the Spanish diminutive - guitarrilla.  It is used to refer to 
> the instrument in 5-course guitar books fairly indiscrimately - i.e. 
> without necessarily implying a smaller instrument than usual.  Pesori and 
> Granata come to mind.
> I am objecting to the translation of "chitarra" as "guitar" in the passage
> which you quote.   I wouldn't translate the title as it appears on the 
> title
> page at all. If I was translating the introduction on p.5 I would leave 
> the terms "chitarriglia" and "chitarra" untranslated with a note 
> explaining possible interpretations of them.  It is axiomatic that when 
> translating terms like these that you try to find definitions of them in 
> dictionaries of the period.
> I have to say that when I saw Valdambrini's book for the first time I did 
> wonder whether the description of the instrument on the title page as 
> "chitarra a cinque ordini" indicated that it was a different instrument 
> especially in view of the fact that he clearly says that  that it has a 
> re-entrant tuning.  However the illustration on the title page of Book 1 
> shows a cherub playing a 5-course guitar with the courses and peg holes 
> clearly visible.  The music and the notation is in line with other 
> collections of music for 5-course guitar.  It seems fairly certain that it 
> is for 5-course guitar.
> Asioli's books were printed in the 1670s by which time it seems that it 
> was no longer necessary  to include the qualifier "spagnola".
> What puzzles me is the way you seem to assume that it is self evident that 
> the term "chitarra" refers to  a 4-course guitar when actually you have 
> never put forward any positive evidence to support your view.
> As Stuart pointed out we tend to look at things from an English point of 
> view and needless to say everyone from Alexander Bellow to James Tyler and 
> your good self, taking in Frederick Grunfeld and Harvey Turnbull and a few 
> others en route have simply assumed that anything called a chitarra or 
> guitarra must be a figure of 8 shaped guitar.
> I am surprised that you appear to be dismissing Meucci's article as 
> "nothing more than ad hoc speculation" just because it seems to undermine 
> you preconceived ideas about what these terms might mean.
> Part of the problem may be that I have tended to refer to the chitarra as 
> a "small lute or mandore".  It would obviously be better simply to refer 
> to it as a small lute leaving the mandore out of it.  It's actual make up 
> may have varied over the years.
> As ever
> Monica
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Martyn Hodgson" <hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>
> To: "Monica Hall" <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
> Cc: "Lutelist" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:28 PM
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: 4 course guitar in Italy
>>   Dear Monica,
>>   Some of what you say about Calvi's collection makes sense - that the
>>   intabulated pieces are different from anything else in the 5-course
>>   repertoire.
>>   But I'm puzzled why you object to translating 'chitarra' as 'guitar' in
>>   the context of Calvi's collection which contains mostly Alfabeto pieces
>>   and not just those later intabulated Sounate. Or are you suggesting
>>   that if the qualifier 'alla Spagnola' is not attached to 'chitarra'
>>   then it's always a lute shaped instrument! This seems an extreme
>>   position to adopt. By this test the 'chitarra' specified by, for
>>   example Calvi, Valdambrini and Asioli (which don't have the qualifier
>>   'alla Spagnola' or similar on their title pages) are all for the lute
>>   shaped instrument.  Note that I left ' chitarriglia' alone since we
>>   don't know what it was/is.....
>>   From what you say (below) about Calvi's instruments it seems you
>>   believe both were lute shaped instruments but one 'standard' sized
>>   (whatever that) and one smaller. Is this really your position?
>>   regards
>>   Martyn
>>   PS Why would anyone suggest translating 'vihuela' as 'guitar' (or even
>>   'guitarra', etc) - the etymology of the two are are quite distinct.
>>   But I recall at least one early English source (an inventory I think)
>>   calls them vialls (viols)......
>>   M
>>   --- On Tue, 29/1/13, Monica Hall <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>>     From: Monica Hall <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
>>     Subject: [LUTE] Re: 4 course guitar in Italy
>>     To: "William Samson" <willsam...@yahoo.co.uk>
>>     Cc: "Lutelist" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>>     Date: Tuesday, 29 January, 2013, 13:13
>>   Well as regards the instrument illustrated - I'll set the cat among the
>>   pigeons and suggest that it might be tuned in the same
>>   way as the baroque guitar.  It is very interesting that it is a
>>   lute-shaped
>>   5-course instrument.
>>   As Martyn has pointed out,  the second section of Calvi's "Intavolatura
>>   di
>>   chitarra e chitarriglia" has a
>>   number of pieces in Italian tablature.
>>   Calvi says of these 'Le seguente Suonate possono servire anche per la
>>      Chitarriglia, ma sono veramente per la Chitarra" .
>>   Martyn has translated this as  'The following Suonate can also serve
>>   for the
>>      Chitarriglia, but they are really for the Guitar" .But he is already
>>   reading his prejudices into what Calvi says by assuming that "chitarra"
>>   in
>>   Italian means the same thing as "guitar" in English and that it is
>>   appropriate to translate it in this way.  It is untranslatable.
>>   This is the problem with translating things as anyone who has tried
>>   will
>>   know.  There are many circumstances when it is not possible to find an
>>   exact
>>   equivalent for specialist terms. No-one would translate "vihuela" as
>>   "guitar".
>>   The question is "Why should Calvi differentiate between a small and a
>>   standard sized instrument when clearly both were capable of playing
>>   exactly
>>   the same music and often did"?
>>   The most important point is that the music in tablature is very
>>   different
>>   from anything else in the 5-course repertoire.   Not only does it not
>>   use
>>   alfabeto;  there are no five part chords at all and no suggestion that
>>   the
>>   four part ones should be strummed.  The repertoire and the style of the
>>   music is also a bit old fashioned.
>>   It seems unlikely that the instrument that Calvi refers to is a
>>   5-course
>>   guitar;  more likely to be a 5-course lute.
>>   Foscarini of course also included arrangements of lute music in his
>>   great
>>   work - and these are similarly different from what was considered to be
>>   the
>>   appropriate style for the 5-course instrument.
>>   As ever
>>   Monica
>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>   From: "William Samson" <[1]willsam...@yahoo.co.uk>
>>   To: "Davide Rebuffa" <[2]davide.rebu...@fastwebnet.it>; "Martyn
>>   Hodgson"
>>   <[3]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>
>>   Cc: <[4]pie...@vantichelen.name>; "Monica Hall"
>>   <[5]mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>;
>>   "Lutelist" <[6]lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>>   Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:51 AM
>>   Subject: [LUTE] Re: 4 course guitar in Italy
>>   >   Hi,
>>   >
>>   >   [1][7]http://tinyurl.com/aped6x7 - on my Skydrive again.
>>   >
>>   >   Not a 4c instrument this time, but one with 5 courses.  Looks like
>>   a
>>   >   small lute, nothing definite can be said about the pegbox shape.
>>   No
>>   >   indication of octave stringing.  The painting looks like first half
>>   of
>>   >   the 17th century, but I've no idea who the painter is.  The
>>   presence of
>>   >   an archlute suggests Italian, but who knows? - Some musicians
>>   travelled
>>   >   widely and were no doubt intrigued by the instruments they
>>   encountered
>>   >   in other countries.  They might even have brought examples home
>>   with
>>   >   them.
>>   >
>>   >   The question is - How was it tuned and used?
>>   >
>>   >   Answers on a postcard please,  . . .
>>   >
>>   >   Bill
>>   >
>>   >   PS  There's a surviving 5c instrument, not unlike this one, shown
>>   on
>>   >   page 91 of "The Lute in Europe 2".
>>   >
>>   >   --
>>   >
>>   >
>>   --
>> References
>>   1. http://us.mc817.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=willsam...@yahoo.co.uk
>>   2.
>> http://us.mc817.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to%c3%9avide.rebu...@fastwebnet.it
>>   3.
>> http://us.mc817.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
>>   4. http://us.mc817.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=pie...@vantichelen.name
>>   5. http://us.mc817.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
>>   6. http://us.mc817.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>   7. http://tinyurl.com/aped6x7
>> To get on or off this list see list information at
>> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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