On 4/9/13 7:09 PM, "Leonard Williams" <arc...@verizon.net> wrote:

>In an interview before an audience of classical guitarists, Paul O'Dette
>addressed (among other things) the issue of strict time in pieces like
>recercari.  His 
>comments were geared somewhat toward one's ability to play more
>passages.  We often hear the instruction to find the most difficult part
>of a piece and gauge our tactus to our ability to play it cleanly.  This,
>however, can result in a predominantly slow, boring piece of music. So,
>advised, play the piece at an esthetically pleasing pace, and just slow
>down bit going into the difficult places and make the whole piece worth
>listening to.  After all, the composer didn't intend his music to be
>Here are links to the two-part interview:
>Leonard Williams
>On 4/8/13 7:51 PM, "Tobiah" <t...@tobiah.org> wrote:
>>I sometimes struggle with the desire to warp the
>>tempo of a lute piece, to accentuate a beautiful
>>or pivotal phrase, or to keep myself interested
>>during a more mundane passage.
>>I've heard it expressed by one professor, that
>>absolute metric time was desired during the Renaissance.
>>I also remember the notion that rubato, in the romantic
>>period, was just a way of lending or borrowing time
>>in such a way that the same piece played straight through
>>at a constant tempo would end at the same time as the
>>performance where rubato was performed.
>>All of this is bait for discussion, but also a precursor
>>to a main query.  I attempted to play along with a youtube
>>video of a fellow playing Francesco, and found that it
>>was impossible to do; he took wild liberties with the
>>tempo at every whim (either that or I can't play in time!).
>>I wanted to hear some comment on that aspect of the performance,
>>as well as on any other point I have raised.
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