Sorry I'm late to this discussion, but for what it's worth:

Well said, Howard. Dance and song are what it was all about, back then (and now).

Some modern lutenists seem to habitually play "out of time" in a more or less random manner in an attempt to be "expressive" rather than boring. (In my opinion Nigel North does *not* come into this category, as his playing always has a musical direction). Bending the timing of notes is always necessary to a greater or lesser extent, but it is always necessary that it has a context in order to be understood, and that context is a steady tempo or (more importantly) a comprehensible rhythm. Bending time should only be done for musical/rhetorical reasons, not randomly. It only has an expressive effect if the listener has a clear idea, on the basis of what has just been played, of when the next beat is going to come.

BTW, tempo "rubato" is always just that - stolen, not borrowed. If you take more time over some notes, that's fine but you don't ever speed up to compensate. No one ever did, it would sound ridiculous.


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