Dear Ones,

When speaking of polyphony on a steel string guitar, please see this link:

A duet partner of mine, Paul Berget, recorded this years ago.  He 
recorded selections of the Siena in 2 recordings, one on lute, one on 
steel string guitar.  You can freely listen to the entire 
CD.  Authentic instrument?  No, but very musical and I for one enjoy 
it very much.

ed, heading to Utrecht on Tuesday!

At 12:29 PM 8/23/2013, Dan Winheld wrote:
>Very well reasoned & eloquently written response- you have made me 
>quite curious to see & try one of these things out. I have 
>an  instrument of my own that fits no historical classification but 
>provides an alternative tone color; a seven string steel-string 
>guitar acquired cheaply on a whim while awaiting the completion of 
>my vihuela. I have it strung/tuned as a "G" tenor lute at a=415; it 
>works best as a fake Orpharion (flexibility of modern steel strings 
>allows tuning to the relative Bandora intervals, more creative 
>fakery!) Of course, it is no closer to a real Orpharion/Bandora than 
>the modern Classical guitar is to the lute, but it does provide that 
>wire string sound- and is far more satisfactory for Renaissance 
>music than the modern Classical guitar with its boomy, opaque bass 
>response and dull lack of clarity (on most guitars) if played without nails.
>One more wrinkle about polyphonically oriented lutes- My Chambure 
>model vihuela is strung with a doubled 1st course. This has the 
>salutary effect of integrating that course with all the others in 
>tone color; becoming the "soprano" section of the choir instead of 
>the solo prima donna, singing alone above the chorus. But it took 
>time to work out the best tension/diameter/pitch combination- and 
>then, the very hard work (for me) of refining the right hand touch 
>for clean sound without clashing or twanging of the strings- which 
>then benefits good touch on all other courses as well.
>  While done or at least attempted historically at certain times, 
> the doubled 1st seems to have been mostly considered too 
> troublesome (and probably too expensive!) to be worth while over 
> the longest haul. But we do have Caravaggio's paintings showing at 
> least one doubled 1st on a 7 course, and then on up to Dowland's 
> and Robinson's clearly stated preference for this set up; and 
> apparently even into the middle and later 17th century some players 
> persisted with doubled 1st (Mace?) while the majority had already 
> gone over to the single 2nd as well as 1st. Of course, all of this 
> well past the time of the Renaissance ideal of polyphony.
>On 8/22/2013 11:55 PM, Franz Mechsner wrote:
>>     Dear Bruno,
>>     I own a guitar made by Mario Gropp and a vihuela by Alexander Batov and
>>     am very happy with both instruments. I also had a Liuto Forte for
>>     several years, which I unfortunately had to sell for financial reasons.
>>     I miss that beautiful instrument a lot.
>>     First of all, it is a wonderful instrument in its own right, so I
>>     estimated it highly such as I estimate my guitar and my vihuela. There
>>     is no need to compare any of these instruments on the cost of the
>>     others - every of these has something the others have not and the other
>>     way around, which is trivial of course but has to be told to purists of
>>     any sort. Recently I've had the privilege to host Andre Burguete who
>>     invented the instrument. It was pure joy to hear him fill the house
>>     with his beautiful and tasteful playing, still a wonderful memory. He
>>     plays with nails but recently developed a playing technique somewhat
>>     different from Segovia style to serve the possibilities of the Liuto
>>     Forte best.
>>     So most importantlyl, the instruments of the Liuto Forte family are
>>     beautifully crafted and sound beautiful. In that respect they can only
>>     be praised highly. Really highly, to my humble judgment.
>>     If you have to classify the sound of a Liuto Forte on a scale between
>>     early music lute (or vihuela, if you like) on one end and the guitar on
>>     the other end, it would certainly be closer to the guitar than to the
>>     early music lute or vihuela, while you can shift the position closer to
>>     early music instruments when you play the Liuto Forte without nails.
>>     But to leave it with that one-dimensional judgment of sound
>>     characteristics would not really do justice to the instrument.
>>     It has to be said that the Liuto Forte has an astonishing range and
>>     variability of sound characteristics which can neither be covered by a
>>     modern guitar nor by a lute. When played with nails, the strings feel
>>     somewhat softer than guitar strings and can be played with less force.
>>     This is no wonder as string tension is lower than on a guitar. Overall,
>>     to my impression a Liuto Forte sounds more transparent, which serves
>>     polyphony. This is particularly so in the bass range where a guitar
>>     often (or probably usually) sounds somewhat "thick" and "too strong"
>>     while a Liuto Forte has more clarity here as well as a better balance
>>     between bass and treble in my judgment. Not to forget the possibilities
>>     that open up with the enlarged bass range and the variability made
>>     possible by the family of instruments.
>>     One may well say, the lute family is all one needs and be happy with
>>     this. I have nothing to say against such a stance except that this is
>>     only spoken from a certain taste and viewpoint which is open to
>>     discussion to say the least. I myself do much welcome a new family of
>>     instruments which mirrors the world of lutes in a way the violin family
>>     mirrors the viol family. I feel quite strange seeing them dismissed in
>>     a sentence, called them "fake lutes" etc. Couldn't one call, with equal
>>     right, a modern violin a "fake viol", or a modern guitar a "fake
>>     guitar" as it is not a Renaissance or Baroque guitar, or a Bach concert
>>     played by a modern orchestra a "fake concert". There are certainly
>>     people who do so... I see no reason why I shouldn't love all of these
>>     instruments and ways of playing music (if well done of course...). As
>>     said, there's nothing to say against different tastes and viewpoints
>>     here, but much to say against dogmatic and dismissing viewpoints. (By
>>     the way, the Liuto Forte team was, awarded the European Innovation
>>     Award for Musical Instruments in 1999 given by Robert Schuman
>>     Foundation and the Europaeische Kulturstiftung. So it seems I'm not the
>>     only one with my high esteem.)
>>     The Liuto Forte sounds well also without nails. Thus you can play
>>     romantic music without nails to an astonishing effect. It sounds quite
>>     intimate and soft. I never played a parlor guitar thus I cannot compare
>>     but I loved the possibility to use the Liuto Forte in this way which is
>>     not possible with the modern guitar. You can also play lute music
>>     without nails which produces - in my view - a sound which quite
>>     deviates from normal guitar sound and may give more justice to, say,
>>     Renaissance lute music as a guitar would. I played some English
>>     Renaissance music without nails in a room filled with about 200 not
>>     always silent people sitting around tables, on the occasion of a
>>     Christmas celebration. It worked really well.
>>     Professional guitarists seem to like, in addition, that Liuto Fortes
>>     can be well heard in ensembles.
>>     In sum I would say: if you like the sound a Liuto Forte you can enjoyed
>>     that beautiful instrument its own right and also play it in concert
>>     simply because you like it. Depending on what your equipment and needs
>>     are, there might be opportunities where you might prefer playing a
>>     Liuto Forte not only for subjective taste reasons but also for
>>     practical reasons.
>>     Please take this as the opinion and experience of a non-expert who
>>     loves music and simply likes the Liuto Forte regarding sound and
>>     possibilities as well as regarding design.
>>     Best
>>     Franz
>>     -----------------------
>>     Dr. Franz Mechsner
>>     Zum Kirschberg 40
>>     D-14806 Belzig OT Borne
>>     +49(0)33841-441362
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Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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