Hello Thomas:
   I have spent a bit of time with the ensemble music in Besard's Novus
   Partus, and the upshot is that most of it needs serious work just to
   arrive at a passable and playable edition.  Besard, like so many others
   suffering from attention-deficit disorder, had a difficult time
   sticking with the plan when he invented his new tuning.  Then, once one
   sorts out the errors resulting from the tuning issues, the divisions
   wind up sounding less than interesting.  You might want to do as I have
   done - and others who have attempted to make sense of this music have
   done - and just use Besard's lute ensemble music as a general outline
   for creating better quality ensemble music.  Meanwhile, you might check
   out Julia Sutton's work on Besard's Novus Partus.
   "The Music of J. B. Besard's "Novus Partus", 1617 Journal of the
   American Musicological Society, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Summer, 1966),
   > Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 16:40:25 -0500
   > To: jmpoiri...@wanadoo.fr; mar...@luteshop.co.uk;
   > From: twlute...@hotmail.com
   > Subject: [LUTE] Re: Besard's Novus Partus
   > Thanks kindly, everyone! It's what I suspected, but the comparative
   > rarity of an "ordinary" lute in reentrant tuning sent my looking for
   > some verification.
   > Cheers,
   > tom
   > > Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 20:17:25 +0200
   > > To: mar...@luteshop.co.uk; lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
   > > From: jmpoiri...@wanadoo.fr
   > > Subject: [LUTE] Re: Besard's Novus Partus
   > >
   > > " Nous appelons celui-ci "Nouveau Luth" non parce qu'il aurait une
   > forme (construction) nouvelle, mais seulement `a cause du nouvel
   > accord, qui n'est pas ingrat selon l'opinion de maintes (personnes).
   > C'est nous qui l'avons invente un jour. S'il differe peu en accord du
   > theorbe (comme on l'appelle), pourtant bien avant de connaitre cet
   > instrument j'accordais souvent le luth de cette maniere, mieux apte
   > pour la musique de n'importe quelle voix. Et ce seulement parce que
   > (par rapport `a l'accord ordinaire) la basse frappe l'oreille de
   > plus claire, sonore et nette. Pourtant pour cet accord il est
   > absolument necessaire de composer de morceaux speciaux."
   > >
   > > Voici la traduction du passage de Besard proposee par Dimitri
   > Goldobine...
   > >
   > > Re-best, ;-)
   > >
   > > Jean-Marie
   > > --------------
   > >
   > > >I think Besard explains the Nova Testudo in his preface - can
   > someone
   > > >help with the text? As I remember it is top two courses down an
   > octave,
   > > >like the theorbo.
   > > >
   > > >M
   > > >On 21/05/2014 18:10, Thomas Walker wrote:
   > > >> Hello all--
   > > >> Do any of you have a view(s) on what instrument Besard wanted
   > his
   > > >> Nova Testudo? The other lutes seem pretty clearly to be 9 or 10
   > course
   > > >> instruments a 4th apart. The top lute, to me, looks like he's
   > assuming
   > > >> reentrant tuning. I'm tempted to think of Castaldi's tiorbino,
   > > >> that seems less likely outside of Italy that early in the 17th
   > > >> Thoughts?
   > > >> Thanks kindly,
   > > >> Thomas Walker, Jr.
   > > >>
   > > >> --
   > > >>
   > > >>
   > > >> To get on or off this list see list information at
   > > >> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > > >
   > > >
   > >
   > >
   > --


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