Well said! Thank you!

A. John Mardinly, Ph.D., P.E.
Classical Guitarist/Lutenist

> On Jun 19, 2019, at 8:09 AM, Ron Andrico <praelu...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>   I feel I must add a word of support for Julian Bream and his many
>   contributions to the current lute revival.
>   As a 20th-century pioneering concert artist, Julian Bream first and
>   foremost raised the lute from a quaint closet instrument, best suited
>   to historians and eccentrics, to an instrument capable of musical
>   expression that reached and communicated to modern audiences.
>   Yes, Julian Bream developed and employed his own characteristic
>   technique.  And yes, he used instruments that were modified from
>   historical models to suit his needs as a touring concert artist.  But
>   it was through his musical chops that he exposed a broad audience to
>   the depth and the possibilities of old music for the lute.
>   Bream-bashing has been a popular sport among modern players who like to
>   dwell on what is now considered proper lute technique, but many of
>   these players for all intents and purposes dwell in glass houses.  For
>   instance, I still see an absurd number of modern players (who really
>   should know better) using thumb-under technique on baroque lute and
>   theorbo.  This is patently unhistorical.  In fact, it is well known
>   that music from circa 1600 onward should be played with the thumb out.
>   While the lute world is populated by an abundance of opinionated
>   hobbyists, Julian Bream is a real musician, and probably still has
>   chops most lute players will never attain.  Let's give the man the
>   respect he deserves.
>   RA
>     __________________________________________________________________
>   From: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu <lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu> on behalf
>   of Gary Boye <boy...@appstate.edu>
>   Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 11:23 AM
>   To: Edward C. Yong
>   Cc: Jurgen Frenz; Lute List
>   Subject: [LUTE] Re: Julian Bream on Lute
>      Edward,
>      Back in the '70s, there was a quip that "Julian Bream makes the lute
>      sound like a guitar and the guitar sound like a lute." I think that
>      came from guitarists who had no idea what the lute could sound like.
>      He was pretty amazing in concert (on guitar, I didn't see him play
>      lute), and quite a character off stage. In addition to "lute," he
>   also
>      played "vihuela" and "Baroque guitar" (quotes used intentionally!) .
>   .
>      . Can't say I'd recommend his early music recordings to students
>   today
>      though..
>      Gary
>      On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 5:39 AM Edward C. Yong
>      <[1]edward.y...@gmail.com> wrote:
>        I have to agree. JB used his stardom to get the lute out there,
>   even
>        if it was a Frankenlute with nothing lute about it apart from the
>        shape.
>        Would anyone have paid attention to his lute playing if it hadn't
>        ridden on the back of his guitarist reputation? Probably not.
>        I recognise that many here were introduced to the lute via JB's
>        efforts, but my own experience was rather different. My first
>        exposure to lute music was an LP of Julian Bream playing Dowland
>   in
>        my school library, and that put me off the lute - it sounded like
>   a
>        classical guitar to me, so at 12, I didn't see the point. It
>   wasn't
>        until a year later that I heard Paul O'Dette and Jakob Lindberg's
>   cd
>        of Elizabethan lute duets and that changed my mind entirely - I
>        wanted to play an instrument that sounded like theirs.
>        While I have much respect for JB being a musician on the guitar
>   and
>        an 'early adopter', I fear I find his tone on the lute to be thin
>        and hard, or âmetallic sharp' as Mr Frenz calls it. It's difficult
>        for me to look past the tone and appreciate JB's musicianship on
>   the
>        lutewhen I find the tone unattractive - and this is my failing,
>   not
>        JB's.
>        Edward
>> On 19 Jun 2019, at 12:40 PM, Jurgen Frenz
>        <[2]eye-and-ear-cont...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Julian Bream was a vital part (I believe) of the lute revival 50
>        years ago by making the music public. On the downside of it he
>        played guitar technique on it to the point of using singe strings
>   on
>        both the high G and D courses - it allowed him to play apoyando on
>        the lute which is a big no-no. Hence his lute playing doesn't
>   really
>        sound like a lute. Also, at that time, it was common guitar
>        technique to use sound differences to emphasize or mark formal
>        sections by moving the right hand extremely close to the bridge,
>        which creates a very metallic sharp sound. This has fallen out of
>        favor on the guitar as well, I personally would qualify it as
>        obnoxious, even more so on the lute.
>> If you like it, you may listen to Konrad Ragossnigs lute
>        recordings, he sounds very much like Bream did.
>> Best
>> Jurgen
>> ----------------------------------
>> "Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there."
>> JalÄl ad-DÄ«n Muhammad Rumi
>> âââââââ Original Message âââââââ
>> On Wednesday, June 19, 2019 6:13 AM, Franz Mechsner
>        <[3]franz.mechs...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Dear Dan,
>>> Julian Bream actually pioneered lute playing very early. Watch
>>> this beautiful movie on him that makes me smile (lute things
>   come
>>> somewhere in the
>>> middle): 
>>> [1][4]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DMUdunh-5FwMCI&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=bfwrzdDINc2O_NwVxHRoDungfboyY5cGGQqVQbgdYds&e=
>>> Warm regards and best
>>> Franz
>>> Dr. Franz Mechsner
>>> Zum Kirschberg 40
>>> D-14806 Belzig OT Borne
>>> +49(0)33841 441362
>>> [5]franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2019 um 01:07 Uhr
>>> Von: "Dan Winheld" [6]dwinh...@lmi.net
>>> An: "Franz Mechsner" [7]franz.mechs...@gmx.de,
>        [8]lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>> Betreff: Re: [LUTE] Julian Bream on Lute
>>> Nope. Never heard of him.
>>> On 6/18/2019 3:49 PM, Franz Mechsner wrote:
>>>> Dear collective wisdom,
>>>> I just heard some pieces played by admired guitarist Julian
>   Bram
>        on
>>> the
>>>> lute. It seems to me he played kind of classical guitar style
>   on
>        the
>>>> lute. Strange, but It sounds wonderful to me, not only bold
>   for
>        the
>>>> time. Does anyone understand how he played the (maybe special)
>        lute
>>> and
>>>> produced the wonderful sound on a lute admittedly built for
>   him?
>>>> Best and curious
>>>> Franz
>>>> Dr. Franz Mechsner
>>>> Zum Kirschberg 40
>>>> D-14806 Belzig OT Borne
>>>> +49(0)33841 441362
>>>> [9]franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>>>> To get on or off this list see list information at
>>>> [2][10]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=y4N6T_sokB4PvHI-cmZoh0B8WgLP_U04oMDIZXSzai8&e=
>>> References
>>> 1.   
>>> [11]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DMUdunh-5FwMCI&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=bfwrzdDINc2O_NwVxHRoDungfboyY5cGGQqVQbgdYds&e=
>>> 2.   
>>> [12]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=y4N6T_sokB4PvHI-cmZoh0B8WgLP_U04oMDIZXSzai8&e=
>      --
>      Dr. Gary R. Boye
>      Erneston Music Library
>      Appalachian State University
>      --
>   References
>      1. [1]mailto:edward.y...@gmail.com
>      2. [2]mailto:eye-and-ear-cont...@protonmail.com
>      3. [3]mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>      4. 
> [4]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DMUdunh-5FwMCI&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=bfwrzdDINc2O_NwVxHRoDungfboyY5cGGQqVQbgdYds&e=
>      5. [5]mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>      6. [6]mailto:dwinh...@lmi.net
>      7. [7]mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>      8. [8]mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>      9. [9]mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>     10. 
> [10]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=y4N6T_sokB4PvHI-cmZoh0B8WgLP_U04oMDIZXSzai8&e=
>     11. 
> [11]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DMUdunh-5FwMCI&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=bfwrzdDINc2O_NwVxHRoDungfboyY5cGGQqVQbgdYds&e=
>     12. 
> [12]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=y4N6T_sokB4PvHI-cmZoh0B8WgLP_U04oMDIZXSzai8&e=
>   Virus-free. [13]www.avast.com
>   --
> References
>   Visible links:
>   1. mailto:edward.y...@gmail.com
>   2. mailto:eye-and-ear-cont...@protonmail.com
>   3. mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>   4. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DMUdunh-5FwMCI&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=bfwrzdDINc2O_NwVxHRoDungfboyY5cGGQqVQbgdYds&e=
>   5. mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>   6. mailto:dwinh...@lmi.net
>   7. mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>   8. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>   9. mailto:franz.mechs...@gmx.de
>  10. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=y4N6T_sokB4PvHI-cmZoh0B8WgLP_U04oMDIZXSzai8&e=
>  11. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DMUdunh-5FwMCI&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=bfwrzdDINc2O_NwVxHRoDungfboyY5cGGQqVQbgdYds&e=
>  12. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=y4N6T_sokB4PvHI-cmZoh0B8WgLP_U04oMDIZXSzai8&e=
>  13. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.avast.com_sig-2Demail-3Futm-5Fmedium-3Demail-26utm-5Fsource-3Dlink-26utm-5Fcampaign-3Dsig-2Demail-26utm-5Fcontent-3Dwebmail-26utm-5Fterm-3Dlink&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=TK8fu_JnmRGD8-cRuX1VugMn76Bkebs0YDe52hjkeuU&e=
>   Hidden links:
>  15. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.avast.com_sig-2Demail-3Futm-5Fmedium-3Demail-26utm-5Fsource-3Dlink-26utm-5Fcampaign-3Dsig-2Demail-26utm-5Fcontent-3Dwebmail-26utm-5Fterm-3Dicon&d=DwIFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=VLPJ8OE-c_C6joGeE1ftlvxMmQPq9N6mpKZONBRt90E&m=L-woKFsGEgVr-wM5eR4HtvgdwT5A8WsSa4oO_WJPKZc&s=-2TWJQkG7dEMmMp0rYUAUcsucUXYGW3djCjMIMzysLg&e=
>  16. 
> file://localhost/net/ifs-users/lute-arc/L28660-816TMP.html#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2

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