Not all courantes are easy to play though :)))

I would be very happy to receive any info on the possible dance moves
around 1600.

On 27.10.19 16:38, Jurgen Frenz wrote:
    Hello there,

    I have the impression that Courantes have the tendency to be
    technically much less challenging than other compositions of their time
    - most striking it appears in Kapsberger's first book (1611). What
    seems to be the reason? Was a Courante a piece of teaching material? Or
    where they pop tunes of their time, hence "crowd pleasers"? Also from
    descriptions I understand that they are not to be played at a high
    speed neither as if it was to show of one's speed skills.

    Looking forward to hear some ideas, thank you.


    "Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there."

    JalÄl ad-DÄ«n Muhammad Rumi

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