On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 12:53 -0400, Gerry Reno wrote:
> After looking at my LVS load balancing options 1-LAN or 2-LAN, in 
> conjunction with my other needs such as ease of access to services such 
> as shared storage,  I'm going to set things up as 1-LAN.  Now is 1-LAN 
> just as reliable as 2-LAN?  Also, I'm going to put the load balancers 
> for now in QEMU virtual machines and use VDE2 virtual switch to connect 
> to the Host LAN.  Has anyone done this using QEMU and VDE2 yet?

I have! I have!

But it was two, or possibly three, years ago. And it wasn't VDE2, nor a
decent version of QEMU either (it fell over a lot). But it sufficed as a
proof of concept for an SSL proxy system I designed for someone (to
offload the SSL overhead from a web farm to a pair of load-balanced

As I recall, once I had the various virtual nets setup, and managed to
get a reasonable system image to run under QEMU, the rest was just the
same as making it work with a bunch of real machines. A bit slower, but
just the same :)

Concentrate on getting your host and guest machines running -
standalone, if need be - then linking them up via your VDE network.

Then - and only then - start tinkering with LVS. I still have the scabs
on my knees from the experience (running before walking) :)


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