Joseph Mack NA3T wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Gerry Reno wrote:
>> As I explored 2-LAN the separation was great for security but a real
>> problem for figuring out how to keep all my accesses and shared services
>> working. I'll have to work on the security part some more but having
>> things in one network definitely simplifies things. As far as bandwidth,
>> all my machines have two gig nics so maybe I can find a way to increase
>> the throughput.
> I don't know the ins and outs of your setup, but since 
> you're thinking of one network, it can't be LVS-NAT.
Wait! Don't say that. That's what I need. Ok, I thought that if you 
removed the default route that it would force everything through the 
director and so everything would work then.
> I assume you've only got local resources (like NAS, sql...)
> which can be on the (private) RIP network. 

> Any resources 
> on the internet that the realservers need can be accessed by 
> NAT'ing from the RIP through the router, then the only IP 
> that is facing the outside world is the VIP.
I'm going to be NAT'd out of my mind. First, my internet gateway box is 
NAT. Then the internal QEMU network for the load balancers is NAT'd. Now 
you're saying I need a third NAT just between the two LANS?

Oh no. No my brain will not handle all this. Has to be a way to use 
LVS-NAT with 1-LAN.
> it's really fun out here.
Uh huh, well maybe. :-)

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