On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 4:05 PM, othiman <othi...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I already posted this to askubuntu.com (http://askubuntu.com/
> questions/522457/lxc-container-no-outgoing-traffic-
> with-bridged-network-and-public-ip-address), but I think this might be a
> better place to find help.
> I try to setup a LXC container with bridged network on ubuntu 14.04.1, but
> the outgoing traffic seems to be blocked. Ping another IP than the
> container's one is not working. Actually I tried this with a working
> container of a ubuntu 12.04 host moved to new hardware and a recent ubuntu
> 14.04, but the problem also applies to a new created ubuntu 14.04 container.
> I should mention that if I bind the IP address to an aliasing interface of
> the host directly, pinging inside and outside to the host is working
> correctly.
> I hope someone has an idea what I am doing wrong.
Sounds suspiciously similar to a dedicated server/colo setup where your
provider only allows one MAC on each port. Is that the case for you? If
yes, then short answer is you can't use bridge.

SInce your container IP ( and host IP ( is on a
different subnet mask, I suspect that your provider routes the additional
IP to your main IP. In which case you should use routed setup.

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