On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 01:48:47PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "David" == David L Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David> I advised him to re-label his theorem environments like in the
> David> layout files.  But, is there a way to allow such things to work
> David> correctly in reLyX?  Maybe that's too much to hope for, because
> David> you never know what names someone may use.

Yup. Sorry, David. If reLyX ever reads the preamble (or \new* commands),
then we could work something like that out. Unfortunately, I don't expect to
do much for reLyX other than figures, bugs, and maybe a couple other loose
ends before I finish my thesis. After that, I'm planning on having a Real
Job and have no idea how much time I'll have. And as I complain often, the
um, rest of the reLyX development team hasn't been doing too much lately.

> Since LyX does not have any theorem support currently, this is not
> possible. As soon as we support those theorems, reLyX will be able to
> translate them.

I appreciate Jean-Marc's confidence. Maybe "as soon as we support theorems
plus some unknown delay for relyX to catch up...".


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