On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 06:54:46PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Amir> Looks pretty good. I think you should put the reLyX stuff in all
> Amir> caps since it's clearly the most important development in
> Amir> LyX. (Is today friday?)
> And an animated GIF of you dancing tango at the beginning of the
> document, maybe?

Haven't learned tango yet, but I can do a little bit of swing.

> >> - much improved reLyX script: many bugs have been fixed, new
> >> options have been added, many construct are now correctly
> >> handled. reLyX is now
> Amir> s/construct/constructs
> You mean reLyX support *several* constructs?

Humph. You should know that, considering that you've found the bugs in the
support for lots of different constructs. Luckily, you didn't write "complete,
bug-free support". I guess that will be reLyX 3.0 :)

> I added some kind of english-like language to that effect. Fell free
> to say that this is complete rubbish when you read it (only if you
> provide a better alternative, of course). It goes something like:
> - Documentation has been generally improved and expanded.
> Billiant, isn't it?

Either "Billiant" is some new French term for "as smart as Bill gates", or
you've got some stuck keys on your keyboard.

> Amir> Also, isn't there some more language support? I remember hearing
> Amir> about a russian kmap file, but I don't have a 12.0 around so I
> Amir> can't check with bind/kmap/po files have appeared since
> Amir> then. International folks might appreciate those.
> Well, you could maybe find out and tell us... ;)

Humph. Well, looking at CVSweb for newer files I see:

slides.layout is updated [add to layout paragraph?]
sv_menus.bind was added
ru.po/ru.gmo added

Unfortunately, CVSweb is only two months old, and 12.0 is somewhat older than
that. Does anyone remember other things that have been added?

Hm. Looking at CHANGES:

french menu bindings added
swiss kmap
"hungarian translation & binding file"

So maybe the best thing to do is say something like:
"Better support (keyboard bindings, keyboard mappings, and/or menu and error
message translations) for french, hungarian, swiss [german?], and swedish."


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