Hello all:

  I return here with the subject of importing-exporting word documents.
  The problem is: I need to import-export M$ Word documents since
  everybody else where I work uses this word proccessor, and I would
  like to have everybody working with LyX instead of M$ Word.

  I tried to make an exporter to RTF format but I abandoned the idea
  because there seems to be no standars RTF format. Also because I
  realized this was a major undertaking and I do not have that much
  time to do it myself.

  But now we have CoSource.com, a "company" that gets together open
  source developers and people like me that want a feature but do not
  have the time to develop it but are willing to pay somebody to make
  this feature. In fact, I think I will start and fund a project in
  CoSource.com to have this being made.

  I send this message to know the opinion of others that feel that have
  this same need. Would any of you be willing to pay to have this
  feature in LyX ???(remember that the code is realeased under the
  GPL). Would any one of you be willing to make this job if he is being
  paid? What do you think about this?


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