>   I return here with the subject of importing-exporting word documents.
>   The problem is: I need to import-export M$ Word documents since
>   everybody else where I work uses this word proccessor, and I would
>   like to have everybody working with LyX instead of M$ Word.

If many people are editing the same single document, then it *must* be
a structured document and you *must* persuade everyone else to switch to
WYSIWYM LyX.  However, if each person is responsible for editing one
document and others are just revising at the final stage, then it is
his/her personal preference whether to spend lots of time fine-tuning
the look of a non-structured document with a WYSIWYG word processor, or
to concentrate him/herself mostly on the contents of the document and
computers do conventional formatting with the help of a WYSIWYM document
You can probably try to convince them to use a portable word processor
such as Star Offfice or AbiWord, though...

My point is that LyX is intended for editing structured documents and
it is wrong for LyX to be able to handle non-structured documents as
well.  Writing converters between various formats is a good thing, but
since the target of word processors and LyX is so different, I don't
think import/export facilities to be a part of LyX.

Thanks for listening,

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