Hi Kevin!

On 02-Feb-2000 Kevin Atkinson wrote:
> Back in February of 1999 I posted A proposal to integrate Aspell into
> Lyx.  I attached the relevant parts of the conversation as a text file
> for quick review of those who where here and to bring those new to this
> list up to speed.

Well as much as I can see we have aspell support in LyX.

> So, what I would like to now is instead of coming up with a interface
> for just LyX I would like to come up with a pure C interace/library
> which will use aspell if it is available and if not use Ispell.
> Are you up to working with me on designing such an interface?  I will
> handle the Aspell interface while I will late someone else handle the
> ispell interface.  I will also need lots of help because I have no clue
> how to dynamically load code at run time.

As we told you before, we are happy if you make the spellchecker-interface
better. The important thing is that the interface supports ISPELL, as that
is the most spread U*IX spellchecker.

Regarding problems with C++ I guess that we don't need (and don't want)
a C interface/library. LyX 1.1.4 is gone a long way regarding C++ and STL
and can also only be compiled with more modern C++-Compilers so it should
be no problem to use your C++-Interface.

> The code you write for this library will need to be under the LGPL as
> also want commercial programs to be able to use it.  My eventual goal is
> to have ALL programs use this library instead of either using ispell
> directory through a pipe or writing a spell checker of there own.

I guess that most parts of LyX are under LGPL, but well I really don't know
exactly. Surely you can put the modules you add under LGPL :)

Hope I answered some of your questions, it is important that all new things
are added to the cvs-tree of LyX, so if you want to add it you should
download the latest sources via a cvs-interface.

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N                     Tel:    +39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen                         Fax:    +39-0471-450296
ITALY                                 Web:    http://www.sad.it/~jug

I like your SNOOPY POSTER!!


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