On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:

> I confess to being subscribed to the aspell mailing list, so I'm
> probably the person Kevin is referring to.
> Regarding a generic reusable spell checker interface:
> I think the specs were already completed in the old discussion...
> What remained in that discussion was just the final synthesis
> and polishing of the issues, and I thought it was natural that
> you did that, since you are the one that offered to implement
> this stuff.
> Kevin, exactly what do you want us to do?

Ok, I am really sorry that my initial post was not really that clear.  I
seam to be really good about stirring up a lot of confusion as I tend to
do it a lot.  I guess I just want you to read between the lines but sense
you don't know how I think this is being totally unreasonable.

I will develop most of the interface what I want to know is if you think
you will be willing to use A C interface instead of a nice C++ one as I
have bigger plans.  Also will you still be willing to do the ispell part
if I do the aspell part even if it needs to be done in a pure C setting.

Basically I want this library to be a pure C which will look for the
aspell library and if it is available use it by dramatically linking to it.
My library will provide the necessary interface with in "extern C" to make
this possible.  If Aspell is not present then it will try to make the best
it can with ispell.  In the original discussion you said you would be willing
to write the code for interfacing to ispell.   Would you still be willing
to do this in a pure C setting?

> Restate those specs and resynthesis them into a polished design for you?

> Now, that's too easy.  We can't do all of the work for you.
> What I am willing to do, however, is to critize a synthesis that
> you present.

Sounds fair.  I will come up with a new one shortly.

> Maybe you are asking for us to restate the specs in a C setting?


> If this is what you want, you might want to go elsewhere. The LyX
> team is a C++ team, and I think we can admit that we do not have 
> the necessary expertice in wrapping C++ in a C setting.

Its not that difficult and that is NOT what I am looking for.

> Please don't take this as a turn-down. It's not. It's just that,
> as Juergen said, we are busy with other stuff that we consider
> more important. We all only have so much time.
> Take this as it is:  An opportunity to use us as a reviewing
> facility. After all, we have some expertice in what the perfect
> spell checker interface should look like, so this might be valuable
> to you anyway.

That is basically what I want.  Plus someone to write the code to
interface with ispell as I don't know anything about how to pull this

> Let me reiterate that I wish the best for Aspell, because I think
> it's a superior technology that should prevail. However, I can't
> volunteer much time to make Aspell the world dominator.

Nor am I asking you to. 

Kevin Atkinson

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