On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> On 02-Feb-2000 Kevin Atkinson wrote:
> > 
> > Yes most certanly but I want it to be generic enough that ANY project
> > can use it.  I want to use C as it the most portable and will allow pure C
> > projects to use it.  Using C++ would defeat the purpose of my goals.
> I guess if you have a nice API in your library and it can be included in
> distributions I guess why not use it if it simplifies things! If it is
> more complicated to use then the already working functions, well ...

Well, considering I have bigger goals than LyX it might be a bit more
complicated but it should not be way more complicated.   But you will
lose the convinces of C++ and some for efficacy reason you will have
to use pointers to functions for example one of my structure will

typedef struct {
  void * data;
  const char * (* next) (void * d);
  int          (* at_end) (void * d);  
} Emulation;

Of course you could wright a C++ wrapper for this.....

> > I want to develope a small lightweight C library that provides a uniforem
> > interface for accessing spell checkers available on the system.  If aspell
> > if available, great, use it.  Otherwise use ispell if thats available.  If
> > not humm......
> Seems nice but probably we would need some API proposal on how you intend
> to make this happen. How can we say YES or NO if we only know there should
> be somewhat, but what ...??? 

You should get a draft soon.  I am trying to get more than the LyX team
involved in this....

Kevin Atkinson

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