
This will probably be more useful to you.

The problem only appears when you have a multi-line "Abstract" in the
article class. I still don't know why, and I need to get back to working on
the paper for now. Hopefully Lars or somebody else can track this down now
that it's in a small test-case.

Look at the attached files. The problem shows up in foo.lyx, but not
in foo2.lyx.

Just click on the TOC Button.

Kayvan A. Sylvan                   | Proud husband of      | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.            | Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena
http://www.successlinks.com/kayvan | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory
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The Foobar Interface
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March 2, 2000
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This document defines and implements the XYZZY FOOBAR Interface.This document
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The Foobar Interface
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Kayvan A.
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March 2, 2000
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This document defines and implements the XYZZY FOOBAR Interface.
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