Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On 16 Feb 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
| > We will have the meeting in Stokke, in my parents house.
| How many Stokke are there in Norway?  From a search at I seem
| be get a choice of at least five (9 possibles found)
| It looks like the most likely candidate is near Stavanger.  Should be a
| lovely place then.

But that is the wrong place :-(

Look at the Stokke near Tonsberg (Tønsberg) and Sandefjord instead.

| > So, start saving up money. And you don't have to be a hardcore
| > developer to participate.
| Shall I add a note to LDN?

How many can we expect that will show up? :-)

[Bad news deleted]

| The good news is I have travel plans:
| May 30th  
| ^^^^^^^^ might be a day or two earlier I haven't actually bought any 
|          tickets yet.
| Australia -> Copenhagen (1 day or so) -> Oslo -> train tour up to Narvik
| (photos crossing the Arctic Circle, icicles hanging off my...there's a 
| bus involved there somewhere)

If you are going by train to Narvik you have to either take train
through Sweden _or_ go by bus from Fauske (Bodø)

| -> Boden

Is that a misspelling for "Bodø" or is it a place that I have not
heard of?

 -> Stockholm ->Oslo (at least 8
| or 9 days have now gone by)

And a lot of cash... (in beer that is)
| June 7-8th
| Find Stokke (either via train to Bergen/Flåm and then a ferry to somewhere
| near Stokke, swim to shore, get rescued by lovely Norwegian girl, live
| happily ever after...[a long time passes] where was I? Oh that's right
| getting to Stokke... or via train to Stavanger if that's the right
| Stokke).

Please don't follow this route. Then we will never meet you!
The Stokke is about 100 Km south of Oslo on the Railroad
"Vestfoldbanen", it is the stop after Tønsberg. OR if I am by chance
in Oslo at the moment we will meet there and go by car to Stokke.

| LyX Developers Meeting -- woo hoo! I made it!
| 11th June?
| Stokke -> Oslo on Lars' boat

If we go non-stop the boadtrip is 10 hours, but we will most likely
have a stopover in some bay/fjord/whatever

[rest without me, deleted]


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