> OK, if we start to include Jabref and LaTeX2RTF, where do we stop?

> That was my initial interaction with Uwe's inclusion of Jabref. It is
> good to take care of user's need but Uwe's installer has gone too far
> down that road in that it takes care of too many issues of third-party
> applications. Besides maintenance troubles (what if a new version of
> something is released?), inclusion of third-party applications may
> drag lyx into some license issues.

Sorry but before you continue bashing me, please:

1. first test out the LyX 1.5svn installer - the installer for LyX 1.4.4 will 
be nearly the same
2. install LyX for new users and ask them what is needed
3. have a look from time to time to the users list to change the point of view
4. ask authors who wrote larger documents about their needs

Concerning JabRef, it is, the same as with GSview, only included to the complete installer version. JabRef is under the GPL, so no problems here. The main problems of the installer is not the LyX part, this is easy to handle. And I am not not concentrating on LyX when I include a program to the installer, I just take it as it is and that's it. We won't be responsible for JabRef releases.

> Let's concentrate on LyX!

I'm surely not a real developer as you are but always did my best to improve LyX under Windows. So telling me I should more concentrate on LyX that I currently do frustrates me a bit.

And while we are discussing the installer question;
It makes me sick that nobody see the time that is needed for maintaining the installer and the Windows stuff. It's me who wrote at least 5 emails per day to respond questions and discuss bugs. Or what do you think why I reported so many LyX bugs? I think it's not enough to build a program without giving support, so I ask you: Who gave support to Joost's installer the last months?

a displeased Uwe

p.s. for this email I define: Wednesday = Friday

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