>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Schmitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael> Hi, I noticed that a new LyX version (1.1.5) is coming soon.

Michael> Before 1.1.4 was released, I tested Lyx on Sun SPARC Solaris
Michael> with Sun CC 5.0 and Purify. This way, several problems could
Michael> be detected and fixed.

Yes, this was highly useful.

Michael> Even though I cannot afford too much effort this time, I
Michael> would like to offer my help to you again. If you think that
Michael> Lyx 1.1.5 is stable and likely to be released soon, you can
Michael> send me a short email. Then, I will spend an evening on doing
Michael> nasty things with LyX.

Please do. One problem which is known in 1.1.5cvs and 1.1.4fix3 is
occasional core dumps after using the Delete key. I have never been
able to reproduce them and only purify is able to tell when the actual
problem arose (usually well before the core dump).


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