Hi Allan,

I expected you to be in Italy which should be in the same time zone.
As I mentioned before, I am not able to spend too much time on LyX right
now. So if we make another attempt to fix Sun CC problem we have to do it
in _one_ session; with direct response, online discussion, and direct
patches. Any suggestions on when we could do it? At the time of writing
this mail, I am able to work with LyX for the next three hours. I will
also be able to spend some tomorrow. All following days are blocked from
my side.

Concerning necessary fixes: There are indeed a few problems left that I do
not know how to fix. I really need an expert!


Michael Schmitt                            phone:     +49 451 500 3725
Institute for Telematics                   secretary: +49 451 500 3721
Medical University of Luebeck              fax:       +49 451 500 3722
Ratzeburger Allee 160              eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-23538 Luebeck, Germany           WWW:   http://www.itm.mu-luebeck.de

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